Are You Ready To Flip The Script On Our Rigged Financial System?
Cash Flow Hacks

Cash Flow Hacks

Chris & Stephanie share tips and strategies that your financial advisor doesn't want you to know. Why? Because the less you know, the more $$ they make and we want to help you flip that script with these Cash Flow Hacks.


Jan. 18, 2023

Episode 1: Financial Freedom In 3 to 7 Years

Can you imagine being financially free in just 3 to 7 years? Welcome to Cash Flow Hacks with Chris & Stephanie. In this week's episode, we're kicking things off with a little bit about what we do. We help people just like you turn their finances...
Jan. 25, 2023

Episode 2: Make Money Like The Bank

You deserve to make money like the banks and become financially independent sooner than later.  So, how can you make money like a bank?  How can you borrow money at a low rate and loan it out at a higher rate?  There are several...
Feb. 1, 2023

Episode 3: The Five Enemies of Wealth (Part 1)

There are five enemies of wealth: Inflation, market fluctuation, devastation, litigation, and taxation. Today we're covering inflation and market fluctuation. Are inflation rates accurate? We don't think so. Take the cost of chicken and eggs, for...
Feb. 8, 2023

Episode 4: Enemies of Wealth (Part 2) Devastation, Litigation, & Taxation

There are five enemies of wealth: Inflation, market fluctuation, devastation, litigation, and taxation. Today we're covering devastation, litigation, and taxation. Do you know all the things your life insurance can do? It can save you! Don't make...
Feb. 15, 2023

Episode 5: Enemies Of Wealth (Part 3-Taxes)

Two things are for sure: You're going to die. You have to pay taxes. While taxes are important, and we do believe you should pay them, overpaying taxes can feel like you're being robbed.  There are income taxes, sales taxes, capital gains...
March 1, 2023

Episode 6: Money Saving Tax Strategies

This week we continue our talks on money-saving tax strategies.  This week we're tackling a combination of tax deductions, tax credits, and contribution strategies. You are definitely going to be able to reduce your tax...

About the Hosts

Stephanie Georgakopoulos- CO-HOST Profile Photo

Stephanie Georgakopoulos- CO-HOST

C.O.O/ Author/ Co-host of CFH

Stephanie Georgakopoulos is an Ohio-based Magnetic Money Mindset Mentor and Wealth Planner who specializes in assisting service-based business owners in transforming their business revenue into personal wealth.

She is an engaging and in-demand speaker who captivates and entertains audiences, inspiring them to take action and create a life they love. Stephanie's motivational and innovative talks have helped entrepreneurs create extraordinary transformation in their money mindset and their finances.

Stephanie Georgakopoulos has been in the Financial Services industry for over a decade. In the spring of 2023, she released her first book, Becoming Financially EmpowHERed.

Stephanie received her bachelor’s degree in international business from the University of Indianapolis and her master’s in finance from Strayer University. When not working, Stephanie enjoys spoiling her fur baby, a Pomeranian named Achilles; volunteering with the Junior League of Toledo; binge-watching Netflix; and learning Italian (She already speaks English, Greek, and Spanish). Stephanie is excited about being able to connect with you through this podcast.

Chris Quintana - HOST Profile Photo

Chris Quintana - HOST

CEO/Author/Financial Strategist/Philanthropist

As a Financial Strategist, Estate Planner, Real Estate Investor, Philanthropist and, International Best Selling Author Chris is driven by principles of loyalty, integrity, faith, and excellence in whatever she is doing in her life.

Chris is on a mission to help other people like herself to flip the script. “I want others to be in the know by increasing their financial IQ. by sharing the wealth of knowledge and legal loopholes that I have implemented over the years. At CQ Consulting Services we use these same types of strategies and solutions to secure our clients' life now and in the future. Everything we do is intentional and empowers our clients take charge of their own finances. We teach them how to maximize their existing resources to create more cash flow today. They don't have to stress about making the wrong decision or trusting the wrong person because they are in charge.
They learn how to Keep More, Make More, and Live More.”

When she is not mentoring someone or helping someone increase their financial IQ, cash flow, and net worth, she can be found in the jungles of Borneo and Sumatra or volunteering in or out of the country. She has been to several 3rd World Countries traveling for humanitarian work or visiting endangered animals in the wild.


Essential Info for Everyone!

"Stephanie and Chris give us all we need to know to be successful with our finances. I learned so much more from them than I thought I would. Well thought out and delivered perfectly!"

Success With Dyslexia | Jan. 27, 2023

Great information

"We’re thankful to Chris and Stephanie for sharing great information with all of us. It was very helpful and informative!"

JT🐒 | Jan. 21, 2023

Exactly what I needed

"Can’t wait to hear more!"

kmuffindizzlepop | Jan. 20, 2023

14 Minutes of Great Information

"Thank you for keeping us informed of ways to get our money to grow in a non-traditional but safe and efficient way. I am excited to hear more in the coming weeks. Awesome show that puts financial ide…"

Jenmajdali | Jan. 19, 2023

Great tips

"Excited for this new show with tons of tips and tricks!"

chelle.cooper227 | Jan. 18, 2023

So Informative!

"Thank you Stephanie & Chris. I have no idea how money really works. I’m so exited to dive in and learn with the best!"

Meredith Soleau | Jan. 18, 2023

You Ladies are Awesome!

"Thank you so much for this timely information. I will keep listening. Please keep them coming."

Erika M. | May 10, 2023

Amazing and insightful

"I truly enjoyed listening to Chris and Stephanie talk about estate planning. I thought it was only for the wealthy; but now I see how it can help my family too!"

Laurie Laurain | May 11, 2023

Always Educational, never a waste of my time

"Chris & Stephanie are always look to educate, innovate and to present the best options for everyone when it comes to the world of finance. I love their motto of Make More, Save More & Live More not!"

Darlene | May 19, 2023

I Always Look Forward to Hearing Their Podcast!

"Each episode has a topic that always perks up my ears because it has to do with real life. It may be be about estate planning, investing, taxes, the 5 enemies of wealth that we all must acknowledge o…"

Snookems927 | May 19, 2023

Chris is for REAL!

"I love walking my dogs and listening to this podcast. Chris's voice is calming and relaxing. She has a caring voice you can trust. She's always sharing ways to make you more money. Chris tells you i…"

Patricia Deignan | May 23, 2023

A Financial Manager Who Radiates Creativity and Genuine Care

"When I embarked on my journey to find an alternative to my 401K investments, down 20+% in 2022, I had no idea that fate would lead me to Chris Quintana. Introduced through a podcast hosted by Checkbo…"

Justin P | May 27, 2023

Excellent content

"Chris is one of the best in her field of financial education. Every episode I learn something different"

Hhshjdjdjhdjjd | Sept. 7, 2023

Great job Ladies

"Thank you for the valuable information. I look forward to the next podcast!"

Cathy | Sept. 28, 2023

Great tax saving advice

"Love the breakdown of the insurance products and how everyone can benefit if the product is designed properly!"

Catherine | Nov. 2, 2023

IRA Conversion

"Once again, another great Podcast by Chris Quintana and Stephanie. I've wanted to know do IRS conversions but after this podcast, I feel more confident about moving forward with that. Chris has a gif…"

Trish Deignan | Feb. 15, 2024